“Pound the Pastor”

Please join us as we “Pound The Pastor!

Yep, our new pastor is in for quite the pounding! What that actually means is that we are going to stock the kitchen and pantry of our new pastoral family. You might bring a pound of macaroni! A pound of butter! A box of Kleenex! It does not have to weigh a pound, just be something that a new family will find useful in their new home and kitchen. Stock the fridge, stock the shelves, perhaps a pound of hot dogs…..

Speaking of hot dogs, since this date was reserved for our annual Church Picnic, there will be hot dogs! We will be grilling hot dogs on the front porch, handling them carefully, wrapping and passing them out to anyone who wants to join in the fun. Pastor Kurt and his family will be there. You can drive by and wave, roll down your window and say hello, park your car and come up (at a safe distance of course) and meet our new minister and his family. This is our chance to make him and his family feel welcome in their new assignment.  Hospitality will be collecting the groceries, wiping them down and packing them safely in boxes to go home when the party is over. Remember! On Sunday, June 28, from 4–6 pm, we are going to Pound the Pastor, enjoy a hot dog, a cold drink and hope for a bright future when we can all be together. 

Questions? Ask Candy Hart or any member of the Hospitality committee!